Monday, June 16, 2008

The Messy Part!

It has been a very busy few weeks! We have been without power for 2 weeks and then when they turned the power back on, our compressor for the upstairs AC went out. So we are still waiting for AC...we have a little downstairs, so we are all sleeping on the pull out couches in the living room. The first few nights it was an adventure but now we are getting to the point where the kids are fighting over where they are going to sleep and then someone is up until 11:30 every night crying. It is definitely true that we all do better on a schedule!
The framers came to begin framing...this process took forever! It was fun to see the space take shape...first the walls, then the windows...then enclosing everything including the roof. Now they are working on all that needs to go in between the walls - electrical, plumbing, ductwork, and wires for media speakers. Next will be inside walls and trim. Clint is making the door for the back since we could not find what I wanted in our price range. He is going to turn it into a dutch door. I thought I was being so original, but the past few magazines I have gotten have them in every article! On the back door, the front proch french doors, and the front door, Clint is going to build them out of wood, stained dark, and then he will weld iron pieces is a criss cross pattern to the front of the glass portion of the door.
Take a look at a few of the pictures of what a mess we have been in the past few weeks! No worries, we have before and after shots!


1 comment:

Casey said...

Hello- I saw your blog through Pink Armachair Design. My BIL last name is the same as yours and was wondering if you all were related. His name is Chris Hawthorne. He lived out in Co. but just moved to Az Just thought I would ask... I do like your blog- very cute.